Accepting Appointment Payments

As a practitioner you can add prices to some or all of your appointment types and require payment at the time of booking.  Nutri-Q uses Stripe to process all client payments and send your earnings to a linked bank account.

You can read about linking your Nutri-Q account with Stripe on this page.

Creating Paid Appointment Types

Once you have linked your Nutri-Q account to Stripe, you will have an option to add prices to existing appointment types, or create new appointment types that require payment to book. You can do this from the Appointment page.

Use the following steps to create a paid appointment type.

  1. On the Appointment page, click the Edit button in the Appointment Types section. You can also click the Scheduler Settings button and scroll down to the section labeled Appointment Types Settings.
  2. From the Appointment Types Settings you can either add a new appointment type, or edit one that is already in your list. For this example we will update our 60 minute In-Person Appointment so that it requires payment.  Scroll to the desired appointment type and click Edit / Update.
  3. In the Edit/Add Appointment type dialog, scroll down to the section labeled Payment. Check the box that says Require Payment to Book this Appointment.
  4. Once checked, a price field will appear. Enter your desired price in the box.
  5. You can use the drop-down menu on the left side of the price field if you operate outside the US and wish to offer your services in a different currency.
  6. When you are finished editing the appointment type, scroll to the bottom of the dialog and click Add to save your changes.

When clients attempt to book this appointment from the scheduler, the price is prominently displayed on the calendar, and in the booking window. After entering their information, they are prompted to make a payment before the appointment booking is finalized.

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