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My Forms

The My Forms page contains a list of all Nutri-Q’s default forms, as well as a way to create and manage your own custom forms and questionnaires.

All default forms have three Actions you can utilize in the far right column of the page.

  1. Preview form – Click the eye icon to preview the contents of the form. You can also click the name of the form to open the preview window.
  2. Duplicate form – You can duplicate any form in your list. Make sure when you duplicate a form, you give it a unique name so you can tell it from the original. Once you duplicate a form, the copy becomes editable giving you a way to make modifications and customize the form as you see fit. Note that duplicated forms do not work with any of Nutri-Q’s automated reports. For example, a duplicate/modified NAQ will not generate the the Symptom Burden report/graph.
  3. Download form – Click this icon to download a copy of the form to your computer.

Custom and duplicate forms have two additional actions available.

  1. Edit form – Edit the contents of the form. If you edit a custom form, it does not affect the data in any previously submitted version of that form.
  2. Delete form – Click the trash can icon to delete the form from your list. Deleting a custom form does not affect the data in any previously submitted version of that form.

Creating custom forms

Click Create a new custom form to create a new form/questionnaire that you can send to clients. The following video gives a brief overview of how to create custom forms in Nutri-Q.

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